Bravery is Contagious

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We sat in a circle, each woman a bit timid and seemingly uncertain of what to share. This is a new group. Roots have not been established. Safety hasn’t been demonstrated. And it is apparent in the hesitation.

After an awkward and somewhat long pause, one took the courageous first step and began to share her story. After a pause, another shared what God was doing in her life. And then another, and then another. As each woman shared, she brought out of darkness the things that may have felt safer unsaid.

When we share how God is moving in our lives, often darkness is being made into light. And there is a very real enemy that shudders at this very act. He will do everything he can to make us think keeping our stories in the dark are the safest way. But as one woman was willing to be vulnerable, the willingness spread through the group. In their vulnerability, their bravery showed through.

And bravery is contagious.

Listening to each story, I couldn’t help but sense God’s delight for His daughters.

Hebrews 10:24-25 says, "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another..."

Not giving up meeting together.

But encouraging one another.

I almost didn’t come that day. My own challenges had me in an emotional state that felt like if anyone asked just the right question I may end up in a puddle of tears on the floor.

But God knew. I needed their bravery to remind me that He is with us. He is faithful. He is moving. He is the source of our courage. And I too, can walk into this current situation bravely, because I know whose I am and if He will do it for my sisters, He will surely do it for me.

I wouldn’t have received this reminder if I didn’t go that day.

Don’t give up meeting together, sisters. It is in the meeting that we can encourage one another, bring glory to God’s work, and gain the courage to bravely walk our life’s path.

** Written by Lindsey, this was originally posted on The Joyful Life magazine’s Instagram account.